Master's Programs in Maine
23 results
Entomology - MS
University of Maine
Orono, ME
The program leading to a Master of Science in Entomology is designed for students interested in the study of insect biology and its applications in environmental sciences and management of...
Marine Policy - MS
University of Maine
Orono, ME
The master’s program in Marine Policy (MS) was founded on the idea that the effective application of marine policy requires practitioners, first, to be fluent in the languages and concepts...
Marine Sciences - PSM
University of Maine
Orono, ME
The Professional Science Masters (PSM) degree is a non-thesis, professional practice degree designed to allow students to advance their scientific knowledge while simultaneously developing or enhancing their abilities to apply...
Marine Biology - MS
University of Maine
Orono, ME
The M.S. and Ph.D. in Marine Biology are designed to provide students with a broad knowledge base in marine biology in areas including, but not restricted to, taxonomy/systematics, comparative morphology,...
Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources - MS
University of Maine
Orono, ME
The program leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources is an interdisciplinary program with core faculty drawn from the School of Food and Agriculture, the...
Marine Sciences - MS
University of New England - Biddeford Campus
Biddeford, ME
The mission of the Master of Science in Marine Sciences program is to prepare outstanding graduate students for careers or further training in science, technology and education by providing an...
Wildlife Ecology - MS
University of Maine
Orono, ME
Since its inception in 1935, the Wildlife Ecology Program at the University of Maine has developed a tradition of excellence in the graduate-level training of wildlife professionals. In recent years, our...
Wildlife Conservation - MWC
University of Maine
Orono, ME
Since its inception in 1935, the Wildlife Ecology Program at the University of Maine has developed a tradition of excellence in the graduate-level training of wildlife professionals. In recent years, our...
Forestry - MF
University of Maine
Orono, ME
The University of Maine’s School of Forest Resources offers a program of graduate study leading to a Master of Forestry (MF) degree. The MF program is a professional, non-thesis master’s...
Forest Resources - MS
University of Maine
Orono, ME
The University of Maine’s School of Forest Resources offers a program of graduate study leading to a Master of Science in Forest Resources (MS) degree. Students earning a MS in Forest...
Ecology and Environmental Sciences - MS
University of Maine
Orono, ME
The Ecology and Environmental Sciences Program (EES) at the University of Maine mission is to provide outstanding interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate programs that equip our students with the skills and...
Zoology - MS
University of Maine
Orono, ME
The School of Biology and Ecology offers graduate study leading to MS and PhD degrees in Zoology. Independent research under the direction of a faculty advisor is a major component...
Botany and Plant Pathology - MS
University of Maine
Orono, ME
The School of Biology and Ecology administers three Master’s degree and two Ph.D. degree programs:Master of Science in Botany and Plant Pathology, Master of Science in Entomology, Master of Science...
Environmental Studies and Sustainability - MS
Unity College
Unity, ME
Our communities are facing complex problems — we need skilled and qualified systematic thinkers to solve them. Become the change the world needs. Combining science with organizational and communication skills,...
Environmental Geographic Information Science - MS
Unity College
Unity, ME
Often, environmental scientists can analyze and interpret environmental data while GIS scientists can manage and manipulate data. Unity College’s 100% online GIS degree, the Master’s in Professional Science in Environmental...
Earn a respected master’s degree part time and online in 2 years. No on-campus residency needed. Improve your career trajectory and protect our natural resources. Apply for 2025!
To meet the needs of the job market, UConn’s Law School, Natural Resources, and Geography departments offer an interdisciplinary Master of Energy & Environmental Management online degree.
Learn real-world applications of GIS and spatial analysis to tackle critical environmental issues. Pick from 8 online certificate and degree programs. Work at the forefront of the industry.