Master's Programs in Kentucky
11 results
Forest and Natural Resource Sciences - MS
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
Forest and Natural Resource Sciences encompasses a wide variety of social and natural science disciplines while addressing issues that range from molecular to landscape and societal levels. This broad scope...
Integrated Plant and Soil Sciences - MS
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
The interdepartmental graduate program in Integrated Plant and Soil Sciences offers graduate work leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees with specialization in Crop Science, Horticultural...
Environmental Studies - MS
Kentucky State University
Frankfort, KY
Global ecological problems will be among the biggest challenges of the future. Ecological issues, which involve environmental degradation and resource depletion, are often the ultimate cause of economic and political...
Entomology - MS
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
Online , In-Person
The Department of Entomology offers graduate work leading to the Master of Science (Plan A -- Thesis and Plan B -- Non-thesis) and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Individual graduate...
Sustainability Science - MS
Murray State University
Murray, KY
Are you interested in how Earth’s systems work together? Do you wish to learn how humans interact with and change the environment? Are you fascinated by today’s ever-evolving mapping and...
Earth and Environmental Sciences - MS
Murray State University
Murray, KY
Are you interested in how Earth’s systems work together? Do you wish to learn how humans interact with and change the environment? Are you fascinated by today’s ever-evolving mapping and...
Aquaculture & Aquatic Sciences - MS
Kentucky State University
Frankfort, KY
The Environment at Kentucky State University offer a Master of Science Degree in Aquaculture/Aquatic Sciences. Aquaculture is the rearing of aquatic organisms under controlled or semi-controlled conditions. Interest in Aquaculture...
Recreation and Park Administration - MS
Eastern Kentucky University
Richmond, KY
Students that earn a degree in Recreation and Park Administration are positioned for a variety of career opportunities in Recreation Management, Special Events Programming, Natural Resource Management, Outdoor and Adventure...
Biology - MS
Murray State University
Murray, KY
Within the guidelines, the individual's program is developed by an advisory committee to ensure proficiency in the basic areas of zoology, botany, ecology and genetics. The thesis track is strongly...
Biology - MS
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
Welcome to the web pages of the Biology Graduate Program at the University of Kentucky! Here you will find information on the nature of our program and the training options...
Biology - MS
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY
The department offers programs leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Biology. The research interests of our faculty range from the origins of molecular functions through the evolution of disease...
Earn a GIS Certificate in about 12 months. Equip yourself with the analytical approaches and technical GIS skills to tackle environmental challenges. Ideal for advanced users and novices.
Transform location intelligence into insight to protect our planet. Earn a Penn State GIS certificate online, on your time. Gain new career-ready technical skills to enhance your career.
Earn a respected master’s degree part time and online in 2 years. No on-campus residency needed. Improve your career trajectory and protect our natural resources. Apply for 2025!