Master's Programs in South Carolina
14 results
Coastal Marine and Wetland Studies - MS
Coastal Carolina University
Conway, SC
The Master of Science in Coastal Marine and Wetland Studies facilitates students to work with faculty on skill development, original research, projects or professional experience in a broad array of marine fields....
Wildlife and Fisheries Biology - MS
Clemson University
Clemson, SC
The Wildlife and Fisheries Biology graduate degrees are housed within the Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation. Enrollment in these programs is open to students who have earned a baccalaureate...
Environmental and Sustainability Studies - MS
College of Charleston
Charleston, SC
The Enviromental and Sustainability Studies (EVSS) Program at the College of Charleston has been designed to provide students with an appreciation of the interdisciplinary nature of environmental problems through graduate...
Entomology - MS
Clemson University
Clemson, SC
The Entomology Graduate Program, administered through the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, offers two research degrees. The MS and PhD degrees require students to conduct research leading to the...
Marine Biology - MS
College of Charleston
Charleston, SC
Welcome to the Graduate Program in Marine Biology at the College of Charleston. Our Masters-only program is designed to prepare students for careers in marine science or biology. The majority of...
Wildlife and Fisheries Biology - MWFB
Clemson University
Clemson, SC
Many populations of fish and wildlife have rebounded from historic lows due to decades of careful, science-based management. Nevertheless, biodiversity is still in decline for a variety of wildlife species;...
Marine Sciences - MS
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC
The Master of Science degree program is offered by a diverse group of faculty whose research interests span a wide range of topics. The degree prepares students for professional careers in industry...
Forest Resources - MS
Clemson University
Clemson, SC
A Forest Resource degree from Clemson is designed to provide students with advanced training for scientific-based management of forest resources, products, and services. The Program offers three degree options: Master...
Forest Resources - MFR
Clemson University
Clemson, SC
A Forest Resource degree from Clemson is designed to provide students with advanced training for scientific-based management of forest resources, products, and services. The Program offers three degree options: Master...
Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management - MS
Clemson University
Clemson, SC
The Master of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management program is offered as an entirely online graduate degree program with an emphasis on the student who is already a practitioner in...
Biological Sciences - MS
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC
Biological Sciences: The wonder and complexity of life on Earth. The beauty of DNA structure and function, the intricate communication between cells, tissues and organs, the exquisite nature of living...
Biological Sciences - MS
Clemson University
Clemson, SC
The Department of Biological Sciences at Clemson University offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Biological Sciences. Biologists study all aspects of life — from molecules to ecosystems. Research in this...
Biology - MA
The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina
Charleston, SC
The Master of Arts in Biology degree is designed to give working professionals the opportunity to advance their knowledge in a wide variety of biological disciplines. The degree will allow...
Biological Sciences - MS
Clemson University
Clemson, SC
The Department of Biological Sciences is pleased to offer an online, non-thesis M.S. in Biological Sciences for science educators interested in biological sciences. Our students include teachers at all levels, as...
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The University of Connecticut offers master’s & certificate programs in the quickly growing fields of sustainability, energy and the environment. Classes are led by UConn Natural Resources, Geography & Law School faculty.
Earn your Master's in 1 year. Gain credentials and competencies while maintaining your work/life balance. Career coaching available to all students.