Division of Forestry and Natural Resources
Students seeking admission for the degree of Master of Science in Forestry should have completed an undergraduate curriculum in forestry. A student whose undergraduate degree is in a field other than forestry will ordinarily be required to take supplemental undergraduate courses. Candidates for the degree may pursue an emphasis in forest resources management or wood science and technology. Within their selected area of emphasis, candidates may focus their studies on forest biometry, forest ecology, forest economics, forest business, forest management, forest hydrology, silviculture, wood science and technology, forest operations, wood composites, wood marketing, bio-energy, or bio-fuels.
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Earn your Master's in 1 year. Gain credentials and competencies while maintaining your work/life balance. Career coaching available to all students.
The University of Connecticut offers master’s & certificate programs in the quickly growing fields of sustainability, energy and the environment. Classes are led by UConn Natural Resources, Geography & Law School faculty.
To meet the needs of the job market, UConn’s Law School, Natural Resources, and Geography departments offer an interdisciplinary Master of Energy & Environmental Management online degree.