School for the Environment
UMass Boston’s Environmental Sciences master’s program embraces the field as a metadiscipline integrating the natural and social sciences. The School for the Environment is nationally recognized for its preparation of MS-level environmental practitioners whose research and practical knowledge advances natural resource conservation, climate change impacts and responses in coastal marine systems, new methods and technologies for the remote study of the planet, and the development of sustainable policies and management strategies to conserve and protect human-natural systems.
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Earn your Master's in 1 year. Gain credentials and competencies while maintaining your work/life balance. Career coaching available to all students.
Earn a respected Master’s in Ecosystem Management. Learn to lead the real-world, practical implementation of ecosystem management projects. Complete your degree online, on your time.
Develop your skills in ecological research, quantitative analysis, GIS, and leadership to become an effective advocate for environmental conservation, education and justice. Apply for partial scholarships!