Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
The University of California at Riverside's Plant Biology Graduate Program encourages broad-based study of plant biology and fosters communication across numerous research disciplines including molecular, cellular and developmental biology, genetics/genomics, bioinformatics, plant physiology, ecology and evolution. The breadth of research in our program affords unique interdisciplinary opportunities not readily afforded by programs with a more narrow research base. Our students are exposed to both applied and basic research approaches to contemporary and pressing regional, national and international problems in the plant sciences. Given the diversity of the Plant Biology faculty, the program seeks to develop students' abilities to communicate to broad audiences and appreciate the multi-disciplinary approaches to solving contemporary issues in the plant sciences. The primary objective of our program is to train scientists who are capable of teaching and conducting research in plant biology. MS and PhD programs of study are tailored to the interests and goals of individual students.
PLBL currently offers both MS and PhD degrees in Plant Biology. Under the umbrella of these degrees, students pursue academic coursework and research training in an environment that simultaneously offers depth, breadth and interdisciplinary approaches in plant-related research including: agricultural plant biology; cell, molecular and developmental biology; chemical genomics; conservation biology; ecology; ethnobotany; evolution; genomics and bioinformatics; plant genetics; plant biochemistry and physiology; and systematics. PLBL students study plant processes at levels of inquiry ranging from molecules to the whole organism to ecosystems.
The Plant Biology Program offers a flexible program to accommodate a student’s academic interests and research needs. To this end a student can choose a PhD degree with one of three concentrations, which require a prescribed set of classes, or a degree in Plant Biology with no concentration and a self-selected curriculum. Incoming graduate students do three 7-week laboratory rotations to find a home laboratory and major professor.
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