Department of Environmental Sciences
- Atmospheric Sciences
- Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
- Environmental Microbiology
- Hydrologic Sciences
- Soil and Water Sciences
The Environmental Sciences Graduate Program offers the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Environmental Sciences.
Advanced training in Environmental Sciences is becoming increasingly necessary to address complex problems involving natural resources and environmental quality. Although this task frequently requires specialized knowledge in various fields of science, it also requires understanding and integration of a wide variety of interacting physical, chemical, biological, and societal influences. This interaction makes graduate study in environmental sciences distinct from many other scientific fields. We have designed our program to offer graduate training in specialized focus areas of Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Environmental Microbiology, Hydrologic Sciences, and Soil and Water Sciences within environmental sciences, operating within a single graduate degree program administered by the Department of Environmental Sciences. Students trained in the Environmental Sciences Graduate Program can fill many areas of expertise needed in the state and nation. Potential career opportunities exist at regulatory agencies, consulting firms, government and academic research institutions, and industrial research facilities.
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Earn a respected Master’s in Ecosystem Management. Learn to lead the real-world, practical implementation of ecosystem management projects. Complete your degree online, on your time.
Add marketable skills to your résumé. Start with a Certificate in GIS and then step up to a master’s degree. Flexible, convenient online learning. Designed to fit your busy life.
Earn a GIS Certificate in about 12 months. Equip yourself with the analytical approaches and technical GIS skills to tackle environmental challenges. Ideal for advanced users and novices.