Department of Fisheries
The Department of Fisheries is Alaska’s leader in undergraduate and graduate fisheries education. The fisheries program is located in Fairbanks and Juneau, with additional faculty in Anchorage and Kodiak. Faculty and students conduct research in diverse fisheries disciplines, including genetics, biology and ecology, aquaculture, statistics, population dynamics, fisheries oceanography, economics, anthropology, seafood science and technology, and fisheries management, marine policy and resource conservation. Research is conducted on a wide variety of species of fish, invertebrates, and marine mammals. Laboratory and field projects are conducted in freshwater and marine environments statewide from Southeast Alaska to the Arctic. Much research is focused on pressing fishery issues and involves collaborations with state and federal management agencies, private organizations, fishery-dependent communities, and Alaska Native Tribes and organizations.
Alaskans rely on sound science to sustain their rich fisheries, to manage carefully the harvest of its fish and shellfish, and the use of their habitats. Our school’s fisheries science faculty educate the scientists who work in Alaska’s industry and conservation agencies.
The department offers MS and PhD programs.
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This master’s degree prepares leaders to address complex conservation issues from local to global scales and is for those seeking to make a difference in the lives and ecosystems of our planet.
Join our students and alumni working to design, create, and implement strategies and solutions to create an equitable, sustainable, and climate-resilient future.
Earn your Master's in 1 year. Gain credentials and competencies while maintaining your work/life balance. Career coaching available to all students.