College of Science & Engineering
The Marine Biology Program is designed for students with an interest in one or more of the subdisciplines of marine biology and who wish to pursue careers in higher education, government, or private industry. This unique, interdisciplinary degree program combines the strengths of various departments at three universities within the Texas A&M University System: Life Sciences at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi, Marine Biology and Marine Sciences at Texas A&M University at Galveston, and Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Oceanography and Biology at Texas A&M University. Students can choose courses from any campus and form committees with any of the participating faculty. Advantages of the interdisciplinary degree format for Marine Biology students include a diverse, internationally recognized faculty with high scholarly productivity and extramural funding, as well as two campuses strategically located on the Gulf of Mexico. Students receive their degree from both Texas A&M University and Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.
The Marine Biology program offers the Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Marine Biology. A personalized graduate advisory committee guides each student through the conception, design, construction, and execution of a marine biology-based inquiry.
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Earn a respected Master’s in Ecosystem Management. Learn to lead the real-world, practical implementation of ecosystem management projects. Complete your degree online, on your time.
Earn a GIS Certificate in about 12 months. Equip yourself with the analytical approaches and technical GIS skills to tackle environmental challenges. Ideal for advanced users and novices.
This 10.5-month residency allows you to earn your Master’s degree, make a difference teaching at the McCall Outdoor Science School, and find your place in our alumni network. Scholarships available.