Department of Agronomy, Horticulture & Plant Science
- Biology
- Dairy Science
- Food Science
- Microbiology
- Natural Resource Management
- Veterinary Microbiology Emphasis
- Veterinary Pathology Emphasis
This is a collaborative graduate program leading to the Master of Science degree in Biological Sciences. Departments that cooperate in the program are the Departments of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering; Agronomy, Horticulture, & Plant Science; Biology & Microbiology; Dairy & Food Science; Natural Resource Management; and Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences. Specializations and emphases are available in the following areas:
- Biology Specialization
- Dairy Science Specialization
- Food Science Specialization
- Microbiology Specialization
- Natural Resource Management Specialization
- Veterinary Microbiology Emphasis
- Veterinary Pathology Emphasis
The masters and doctoral programs in Biological Sciences allow for considerable latitude in the education and training of students. Students interested in advanced studies in the biological sciences will have the opportunity to tailor a program that meets their interest by selecting courses offered by faculty from the participating departments. While the training of most students is largely directed to a single discipline represented within one of the participating departments, cross-discipline training is available. Generally, identification of a major professor with resources to support the student’s dissertation project is required for unconditional acceptance into the program. Therefore, interested persons should make application for program admission well in advance of the anticipated date of enrollment. Please refer to each departmental section for a listing of the graduate faculty and details regarding the areas of study offered in this program. Inquiries should be made directly to the department representing the discipline of interest.
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This master’s degree prepares leaders to address complex conservation issues from local to global scales and is for those seeking to make a difference in the lives and ecosystems of our planet.
Develop your skills in ecological research, quantitative analysis, GIS, and leadership to become an effective advocate for environmental conservation, education and justice. Apply for partial scholarships!
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